February 22, 2025
6 mins read

Understanding the 7 Levels of Nafs – Part 2 – Nafsul Ammara (The Evil Commanding Self)

Nafsul Ammara represents the base state of human consciousness, where our lower desires and impulses dominate our behaviour.

In our previous seekers class notes about the 7 levels of Nafs, we introduced the concept of spiritual development in Islamic psychology.

Now, let’s dive deep into the first and lowest level: Nafsul Ammara, the commanding self that inclines toward evil.

Understanding Nafsul Ammara

Nafsul Ammara (The Evil Commanding Self) represents the base state of human consciousness, where our lower desires and impulses dominate our behaviour.

The Quran specifically addresses this state in Surah Yusuf, verse 53, where Allah swt says:

“And I do not acquit myself. Indeed, the soul is a persistent enjoiner of evil, except those upon which my Lord has mercy. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful.”

Quran 12:53 (Surah Yusuf)

This level of consciousness manifests when we allow our primitive instincts and desires to override our moral compass and spiritual awareness. It’s the state where immediate gratification takes precedence over long-term spiritual well-being.

Core Characteristics of Nafsul Ammara

The Battle with Impulsiveness

At this level, individuals frequently find themselves acting without forethought or consideration of consequences. Like a ship without a rudder, they’re driven by whatever desire arises in the moment. This impulsiveness might manifest in burst of anger, unnecessary purchases, or hasty decisions that they later regret. The commanding self doesn’t pause to consider the implications of its actions; it simply demands and acts.

The Trap of Instant Gratification

The commanding self operates on a simple principle: pleasure now, consequences later. This mindset can manifest in various ways, from the seemingly innocent (like procrastinating on important tasks in favour of entertainment) to the severely destructive (such as substance abuse or gambling). The desire for immediate satisfaction becomes so overwhelming that it blinds individuals to the long-term consequences of their actions.

The Rejection of Moral Values

Perhaps one of the most dangerous aspects of Nafsul Ammara is its ability to rationalise immoral behaviour. It doesn’t just ignore moral values; it actively rebels against them. A person dominated by this level of Nafs might find themselves not only engaging in unethical behaviour but also defending and justifying these actions to themselves and others.

The Struggle with Self-Control

When under the influence of Nafsul Ammara, self-discipline becomes exceptionally challenging. Even when individuals recognise the harmful nature of their actions, they may feel powerless to resist their impulses. This weakness in self-control creates a cycle of behaviour that becomes increasingly difficult to break.

The Eight Destructive Feeds of Nafsul Ammara

Nafsul Ammara thrives on specific types of behaviour that further strengthen its hold over the individual. Understanding these “feeds” is crucial for recognising and combating their influence in our lives.

1. The Web of Lies

Lying serves as a primary nutrient for Nafsul Ammara. It begins with small untruths – white lies that seem harmless – but gradually evolves into more significant deceptions. The commanding self uses lies as both a shield and a weapon, protecting itself from consequences while manipulating situations to its advantage. Each lie weaves a more complex web, making it increasingly difficult to return to truthfulness. This fundamental sin corrupts trust and integrity, creating cycles of deceit that become increasingly difficult to break.

2. The Poison of Backbiting 

Backbiting might seem like casual conversation, but it’s a destructive force that Nafsul Ammara particularly enjoys. It’s not just about speaking ill of others; it’s about the pleasure derived from diminishing others’ worth. This behavior creates rifts in communities, destroys relationships, and most importantly, corrupts the heart of the one engaging in it. The Nafs Ammara thrives on gossip and slander, which can create lasting division among people and erode the fabric of community trust.

3. The Corruption of Bribery 

Bribery represents a direct assault on justice and fairness. The commanding self justifies it as “the way things work” or “necessary evil,” but each act of bribery corrupts both the giver and receiver. It reflects a basic lack of integrity and fairness, tempting individuals to seek favours or advantages through unethical means. This behaviour undermines societal justice and moral foundations, creating a system where merit is overshadowed by monetary influence.

4. The Addiction of Gambling 

Gambling exemplifies how Nafsul Ammara can transform the natural desire for gain into a destructive compulsion. It’s not just about money; it’s about the thrill of risk and the false promise of easy wealth. The commanding self feeds on both the excitement of winning and the desperation of losing. This addiction is often associated with greed and the desire for quick wealth, leading to financial ruin and moral decay that can destroy individuals and families.

5. The Trap of Usury 

Usury, or Riba, represents one of the most severe spiritual transgressions. It refers to the practice of charging excessive interest on loans, exploiting the vulnerable and perpetuating cycles of debt and poverty. The Nafs Ammara may encourage individuals to engage in such practices for personal gain, ignoring the severe spiritual and societal consequences. This practice creates an unjust economic system that widens the gap between the wealthy and the poor, leading to societal imbalance and oppression.

6. The Sin of Adultery 

Adultery encompasses not just physical infidelity but also emotional and visual transgressions. The Nafs Ammara may entice individuals to seek pleasure outside of lawful relationships, leading to broken families and societal harm. This sin begins with seemingly innocent glances and thoughts but can escalate to destroy marriages, families, and communities. It represents a fundamental breach of trust and moral boundaries, causing long-lasting emotional and spiritual damage.

7. The Pursuit of Unlawful Wealth 

Taking wealth from unlawful sources represents a direct violation of divine law and moral principles. The Nafs Ammara may justify such actions, leading individuals to compromise their values for material gain. This includes earnings from prohibited businesses, theft, fraud, or any means that Islamic law deems impermissible. The spiritual pollution from consuming unlawful wealth extends beyond the individual to affect their family and future generations.

8. The Uncertainty of Doubtful Wealth 

Engaging in transactions or acquiring wealth that is uncertain in its legality or ethical standing represents a dangerous spiritual territory. The Nafs Ammara may push individuals to take risks with their integrity, leading to confusion and moral ambiguity. This category includes income from questionable sources or business dealings where the permissibility is unclear. Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned against such matters, advising believers to leave what is doubtful for what is certain.

The 8 “Destructive Feeds” strengthens Nafsul Ammara’s hold over the individual, creating a cycle of spiritual decline that becomes increasingly difficult to break. Recognition of these destructive patterns is the first step toward purification and spiritual elevation.

Each of these feeds strengthens Nafsul Ammara’s hold over the individual, creating a cycle of spiritual decline that becomes increasingly difficult to break. Recognition of these destructive patterns is the first step toward purification and spiritual elevation. The key to overcoming these tendencies lies in developing strong spiritual awareness, maintaining regular self-accountability, and actively seeking knowledge and guidance to distinguish between what is permissible and what is harmful to our spiritual growth.

The Path to Recognition and Reform

Understanding Nafsul Ammara isn’t just about identifying negative traits; it’s about recognising these tendencies within ourselves and taking active steps toward reform. 

This journey begins with:

Self-Reflection and Awareness

The first step in overcoming Nafsul Ammara is developing acute self-awareness. This means regularly examining our actions, intentions, and the state of our heart. We must ask ourselves difficult questions:

  • What drives our decisions?
  • Are we acting on impulse or wisdom?
  • Do our actions align with our spiritual values?

Building Spiritual Resistance

Strengthening our spiritual core becomes our primary defence against the commanding self. This includes:

  • Regular prayer and meditation
  • Study of religious texts eg Quran
  • Keeping company with righteous individuals
  • Engaging in charitable acts

Practical Steps for Transformation

  • Develop a morning routine that begins with spiritual practice
  • Create accountability partnerships with trusted friends
  • Keep a journal to track patterns of behaviour
  • Establish regular times for self-evaluation
  • Practice delayed gratification in small ways

The Consequences of Unchecked Nafsul Ammara

Left unchecked, Nafsul Ammara can lead to severe consequences in both this life and the hereafter. These include:

Spiritual Consequences

The most significant impact is the distancing of oneself from Allah’s swt guidance and mercy. This spiritual decline manifests as:

  • Hardening of the heart
  • Difficulty in performing worship
  • Loss of barakah (blessings) in life
  • Weakening of faith

Social Consequences

The commanding self’s actions inevitably affect our relationships and standing in society:

  • Broken trust in relationships
  • Damaged reputation
  • Isolation from positive influences
  • Toxic relationship patterns

Moving Forward: The Journey to Higher States

While Nafsul Ammara represents the lowest state of the self, recognising and understanding it is important for spiritual development. This recognition becomes the foundation for moving toward higher states of consciousness, particularly Nafsul Lawwama (the self-reproaching soul).

Remember that this journey isn’t linear, and everyone struggles with the commanding self to some degree. The key is not to become discouraged but to maintain consistent effort in self-improvement and spiritual growth.


Understanding Nafsul Ammara is essential for anyone seeking spiritual growth and self-improvement; recognising its characteristics, understanding its feeding patterns, and actively working to counter its influence, we can begin the journey toward higher states of consciousness and closer proximity to Allah’s swt guidance.

This battle with Nafsul Ammara is not one we fight once and win forever; it’s an ongoing process of vigilance, self-awareness, and spiritual development. The key is to remain consistent in our efforts while maintaining hope in Allah’s mercy and guidance.

*This is Part 2 of an 8-part series on Understanding the 7 Levels of Nafs. For a general overview, please refer to [Part 1].*

Jayson Ishaq Ang

A Chinese Muslim’s Journey To Seek Closeness To Allah

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